Dreaming of a Cross Country Bicycle Ride

Riding my bicycle cross country. It has been a dream of mine. I am not sure what spurred it. I do know it has been one I have had for a while. Maybe it comes from my desire to meet new people and get to know them. My first touring experience has a middle school kid was one of homesickness. Yet the fire still burns inside me. Planning has started on my cross country bicycle ride.

Sailing around the world was another dream I pondered for a while, but that fire died. Learning more about my incredible country created more excitement. Seeing the world from a bike is a special and unique experience. A true gift that I love sharing so other may choose to do the same. Whether it is just around their neighborhood, or should they feel the desire to adventure further.

I turned 50 last year. I had big plans for last year, COVID changed all that.

Lately I have been focusing on living a life of “no regrets” so when my time comes, whenever that is, I don’t have any regrets for the life I have lived. Along those lines I am focused on “daily joy” doing something that brings me joy each day.

Reflection and thinking has been a big part of my days over the last several months. Really it has been longer. Check out my post about:

Have you Learned Anything About Your Life

2020 What a Year!

I don’t have to many regrets at this point because I have time, or at least I believe I have time. We never really know do we?  One of the mistakes I think I have made, so I guess you call it a regret, is I didn’t ride my bicycle cross country after college. Instead, I immediately went to work full-time and bought a house. Buying a house, not a regret, one of my best decisions. Yet I could have bought a house and still ridden cross country.

So now I am beginning work on planning my cross-country bike ride. I count it as a daily joy activity too. The excitement of planning is growing on me.

Tune in here as the journey is shared here. My planning, my route, the equipment I am going to use and the trip itself. I’ll review the products and share the decision process. What have a chosen, what didn’t I like. Then share the adventure with everyone as it unfolds. Some days I might be too tired from the ride, to share but I will be sharing.

View from the Pedals

Cross Country Bicycle Ride Plan

I have the concept sort of mapped out in my head. I have always planned on at the least going inn to inn and traveling rather light. Over the years that plan has possibly morphed a little. The hope now is to have my wife join my in an RV. Being able to share the journey with her would be extra special. Logistically it will change things.

It comes with its own challenges; will she be able to get the time off? Not having an RV, so we need one of those. RV or no RV will factor into the lodging side of logistics. For now, we hope to make that work. RV research started awhile ago, but I’ll be sure to share that part of this adventure as well.

From the beginning of the dream I have wanted to be able to pedal each mile across the country and have some flexibility to not feel rushed. If I need some rest, I want to be able to heed my body. If there is something that requires more time to see, I want to be able to do that. If we meet someone and aren’t ready to end the conversations, I want to be able to do that. These factors ruled out riding with a group.

In my head I have about six weeks in mind for the trip.

The Cross Country Route

Several years ago, I read Neil Hanson Pedaling Pilgrim books. The Heartland Route Across America. Maybe I am attracted to his route because he considers himself a cyclist and a sailor, as do I. The real reason is because it uses trails and ends in Annapolis, my hometown. The idea of riding towards home each day, is a motivator. I want to end at the Atlantic Ocean so I will still want to ride from Annapolis to the Atlantic as a final leg. My vision is to get a group of my friends to do that final segment with me. Maybe even have some of them join me along the way.

Some other items I know I want to do is the Katy Trail, which is part of Neil’s route. Then to come through Cincinnati, Ohio as we have family there and then head to Pittsburgh and home via the Great Alleghany Passage and the C&O Canal. Neil Hanson’s route started a little further north in California then I might. Now I am researching starting in San Francisco, where I have never visited or possibly San Diego. Likely my route won’t be exact to his, but it will be mine and that is what is important.

Lots to plan and I am excited.

Diabetic Cyclist

Recently, I mean, in the last month I have learned that I am a Type 2 Diabetic. Now I have lots to learn about the new nutrition needs for my body. Plus the best way to fuel my body safely for the long rides I will be doing. Wanting to dive deeper into cycling nutrition has always been of interest to me. Now I have a little more motivation. Stay tuned as I will be sharing that journey here as well.

Charity Component to Cross Country Ride

Over the last few years, I have also been pondering riding for a charity. To bring awareness to a disease and show my love and support for my wife and everyone else who battles this disease. Still in the formative stages, I am still pondering how this will fit into my cross-country bicycle ride.

Getting the Business Cross Country Ready

Preparing the business to run six weeks without me is another exciting component to this dream. The stories you hear of small business owners’ lives being taken over by their business is true. Building systems has been a focus of mine over the last year or more. Often these efforts get derailed or sidetracked. Gain more freedom will be a great outcome from this adventure, I am sure my team will enjoy the challenge of running the business while I am gone.

I’m excited. Excited to plan the trip, excited for even great motivation to work on my business. Excited to share my journey here, with you, writing. Writing is something I have enjoyed and like many things don’t do enough of. Actually, doing this dream is going to bring so much alive inside me, I can’t wait.

There you have it. I have been talking about this more and writing about it makes it even more real. I hope you will join me on my journey and comment along the way.

What are your dreams? What would you regret if you don’t do it? Comment below.

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About Ernest

Ernest is the owner of the Crofton Bike Doctor located in the Village of Waugh Chapel Shopping Center. Ernest has been in the industry since 1989 when he first started to work at the Bike Doctor of Arnold. During that time I developed a love for cycling and retail. I graduated from the University of Maryland and live and ride locally. I enjoy riding off road and on the road as well as doing a little bike touring. As a teenager I did a trip in Maine and then over to Novia Scotia which helped cement my love for riding. Since then I have done tours in the Canyons of Utah as well as several trips along the C&O Canal. Today I have both mountain bikes and road bikes that I enjoy riding. One of the most exciting things now is my wife is beginning to develop a passion for riding and we have begun mountain bike together as well as some light road riding.
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