Creating Opportunities to Unplug

Five years ago I posted this on Facebook.

Not surprised at all to see this in print. I have thought this for awhile. It is sad. “For so many children, the acquisition of an iPad, iPhone or iTouch has replaced the first bicycle or the first driver’s license,” says Paco Underhill, founder of consulting firm Envirosell and author of several books on consumer behavior including “Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping.”

Today I shared this text when re sharing the post above.I understand why kids love the things listed below. (I do too.) Yet as I think about it my life would look so different if I wasn’t introduced to outside activities. I’m not talking about the competitive sports outside activities but the ones that allow you to get outside and “unplug”. These are times when my mind gets to unwind and are some of my most peaceful times. How and when do kids and young adults “unwind” today. There are many different ways to unwind and meditation is a big one today. The gifts that got me outdoors are the gifts that keep giving today as they introduced me to places to “unwind”. So thank you for all the camping, sailing and cycling related gifts.

For me these types of gifts gave me the tools to learn how to unplug and not to forget countless hours of enjoyment. I do love my electronics for researching and planning my outdoor adventures.I had a conversation yesterday talking about how structured youth sports have become “all in” and the coaches think they are more important then family activities. I have to wonder if these activities are really creating real enjoyment for kids or just another stress point. Are kids developing such a love for these sports that they will find enjoyment in them 20 years down the road? Will they even be participating in them?What I am advocating for are gifts that support the times when people can get outside to simply enjoy it and find peace and happiness in whatever form that looks like for them.

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About Ernest

Ernest is the owner of the Crofton Bike Doctor located in the Village of Waugh Chapel Shopping Center. Ernest has been in the industry since 1989 when he first started to work at the Bike Doctor of Arnold. During that time I developed a love for cycling and retail. I graduated from the University of Maryland and live and ride locally. I enjoy riding off road and on the road as well as doing a little bike touring. As a teenager I did a trip in Maine and then over to Novia Scotia which helped cement my love for riding. Since then I have done tours in the Canyons of Utah as well as several trips along the C&O Canal. Today I have both mountain bikes and road bikes that I enjoy riding. One of the most exciting things now is my wife is beginning to develop a passion for riding and we have begun mountain bike together as well as some light road riding.
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