30 Days – 30 Rides The Halfway Point

People say it takes about 21 days for behaviors to become a habit.

Sometime during the month of March Ammon decided to issue a challenge to the employees of the store. The challenge was to ride everyday for 30 days starting April 1st. Nathan was quick to get on-board as were Scott and Tammy. They all wanted to see how much better their riding could be after a solid month of riding.

How much could your riding improve if you road everyday for 30 days?

The rules were simple. To met the criteria you had to ride everyday for 30 days. The ride had to be outside and at least forty five minutes in length.

So here we are at the halfway point. Little did they know when the challenge was issued that April’s weather would be some of the worst we have experienced in April for some time.

To date I know that Ammon and Nathan are still going strong. I am pretty sure that Tammy and Scott have also been getting a ride in everyday. Ammon and Nate have been riding both off and on-road while Scott and Tammy have been doing mainly road rides. Scott gets most of his riding in during his commute to work. Sadly I haven’t been able to ride everyday but I have managed to increase the frequency of my rides.

So the gang is well on the way to making riding every day or at least more often an habit for them.

Some photos from Nathan of his rides.

Related Images:

About Ernest

Ernest is the owner of the Crofton Bike Doctor located in the Village of Waugh Chapel Shopping Center. Ernest has been in the industry since 1989 when he first started to work at the Bike Doctor of Arnold. During that time I developed a love for cycling and retail. I graduated from the University of Maryland and live and ride locally. I enjoy riding off road and on the road as well as doing a little bike touring. As a teenager I did a trip in Maine and then over to Novia Scotia which helped cement my love for riding. Since then I have done tours in the Canyons of Utah as well as several trips along the C&O Canal. Today I have both mountain bikes and road bikes that I enjoy riding. One of the most exciting things now is my wife is beginning to develop a passion for riding and we have begun mountain bike together as well as some light road riding.
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